- The Boatyard Buttondown $130.00 /Hawaiin LoverTiki Torched LargeSummer RegattaRowdy Riviera MultiSea RegattaFishing For CompsBlue OasisAvailable in 7 colors
- Gwen Skort $175.00 /PalmtiniWhite w/ Pink RustOcean IkatPomegranate PlaidBright PinkWhite w/ BPRaspberry HazeMeadows Kiss WhiteWhite w/ LakeBeret StripeFrench GinghamAvailable in 11 colors
- S&Q Ivy Dress $199.00 /ebony floraPrep School PlaidResort PlaidOcean IkatPomegranate PlaidChambray StripeAvailable in 6 colors
- The Smitty Polo $120.00 /Cocktail PartyTrippy MahaloGolf TileOn The LineSkinny DipBanana Leaf BloomCourse King NavyOutcastAvailable in 8 colors
- The Mackenzie Dress $199.00 /provenance toilekokomo bloomBluebell BluesPrep School PlaidPalmtiniPomegranate PlaidMariners PlaidWhite/NavyAvailable in 8 colors
- The Eastwood Polo $130.00 /white w/ club palm bluePalmtiniShe's A RainbowHoneydew StripeRowdy Riviera MultiShaken Not StirredAvailable in 6 colors
- The Charlie Charlie Polo $120.00 /amalfi stripesailor stripe navygolf argilesardine aloha blueHawaiian LoverPeace Love GolfGotta RegattaRowdy RivieraAvailable in 8 colors